Tuesday, October 1, 2002

  今天的第一個焦點是昨天Michael Schumacher的讓車事件。Schumi說,他本來想製造出兩輛車一起通過終點線的史無前例紀錄。我的天~~~他瘋了嗎?現在的F1的計時科技可以分到千分之一秒,任憑你再怎麼神好了,也不可能控制兩台原本高素行駛中的車,在比一眨眼還要快的時間之內,分秒不差同時衝線啊!我猜想Michael應該不會本來想自己拿冠軍,一時分心把冠軍拱手讓人。他應該是像他自己在賽後說的,真心回報Barrichello這兩年為他即車隊的犧牲。
  Jordan車隊的老闆Eddie Jordan把我昨天寫在日記最後的話說出來了。他說"人們要看的是奮戰不懈的真正比賽。這在高爾夫球賽可以看得到,在世界超級摩托車賽也同樣看得到,如果大家知道比賽的結果並不是由真正的競賽後決定,而是由其他的方式決定,他們肯定不會轉到F1頻道"。ITV-F1對E. Jordan的這段談話下了一個標題─Ferrari will ruin F1。
  Montoya說"At the end of the day I think I had a good race but the outcome is very disappointing. In the second lap I was passing Ralf and I braked late. I was going round the outside and suddenly he hit me. I think he braked a lot later."
  Ralf說"I had a good start but after that there was the unfortunate accident with Juan. It is always difficult to pass anyone on the outside. There wasn’t a lot of room there at all. Anyway, before giving an accurate opinion I should have a proper look at the TV images first. Most important is that such things should not happen between team-mates no matter who's responsible."
  看來兩人對談話裡沒有多大的火藥味,不過BMW-Williams的技術總監Patrick Head倒是說了我想說的。他說"We've had brilliant drivers in the past but they haven't crashed into each other - it's just ridiculous." 一個車隊裡不預設頭號車手是好的,不過競爭到相撞也真的太過分了。Ralf跟Montoya兩人的競爭從Montoya還沒進F1開始,兩人就隔空展開口水戰了,戰火一直延續到賽車場上。車手不合在F1歷史上也不算新鮮事,現在似乎也只能期待他們倆人之間年度第三名之爭了。
  真有點想把上面Formula 1的連結拿掉,不做了。唉~~

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